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About the Journal

MeTI | Métodos en Traducción e Interpretación / Methods in Translation and Interpreting is a high quality publication that advocates for the first objective pursued by AIETI (Iberian Association for Translation and Interpreting Studies): “Encourage reflection, study, research, teaching and scientific exchange revolving around the fields of translation and interpreting and their social and cultural impact”, paying particular attention to research methodologies in specific fields of action.

Focus and scope

The journal will only host articles on research methodologies with a focus on translation and interpreting studies (TIS). Ultimately, two types of articles will be accepted:

  1. (Meta)theoretical contributions that fall within the fields of current TIS research, discussing the various theoretical models and concepts and establishing, where necessary, interdisciplinary links (e.g. with Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Anthropology, Sociology, Cultural Studies, History, etc.). Possible approaches include (but are not limited to): training of translators and interpreters; cognitive and psycholinguistic aspects of the translation process; history of translation; translation and post-colonialism; translation and gender; the sociology of translation; translation and globalisation; translation and ethics; translation and multilingualism; translation and technology, etc. It is also worth exploring the theoretical foundations of the different varieties of translation and interpreting: audiovisual, literary, legal, scientific, technical, advertising, media, sacred texts, localisation, accessibility; conference interpreting, audiovisual, professional, social and court interpreting, etc.
  2. Contributions that address the fundamental methodological aspects of TIS, understanding translation as both a process and a product. From this perspective, issues related to fundamental principles of ontology and epistemology of translation and interpreting research can be addressed, as well as ethics, data retrieval and processing in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods; the establishing of research variables; quality control and validation, etc. Similarly, the different types of translation and interpreting research may be explored: bibliometric analysis, case studies, corpus studies, ethnographic studies, experimental research, focus group interview studies, critical discourse analysis, genetic studies, etc.


The different sections of the journal

  • “Articles”: original scientific contributions on the thematic areas of the journal.
  • “New voices”: dissemination of findings obtained by novel researchers (articles, methodological and theoretical aspects of doctoral theses, etc.). 
  • “Opinion”: panoramic and not necessarily formal views on specific fields of research, as well as forums on specific topics.
  • “Reviews and news”: reviews of new publications and announcements of calls for papers, new publications, training courses and scientific conferences.


Peer review

In order to guarantee the quality of the articles published in MeTI, the usual method of double-blind peer review will be used. Peer reviewers will be researchers of recognised prestige and they will be chosen in line with the subject matter of each article. All articles submitted to the MeTI journal for publication will be reviewed anonymously by two experts. Two-way anonymity will be guaranteed, so that neither the reviewer knows who they are reviewing nor the author knows who is reviewing their article. The review of all proposals will involve at least one member of the Steering Committee, the Scientific Committee or the International Committee. In cases where it seems appropriate, another member of AIETI, who is a specialist in the field, may be involved. Exceptionally, other external reviewers may be called upon.

The review procedure is detailed below:

  • Papers should be submitted to the journal via the online platform.
  • The journal’s management team may reject an article without first reviewing it should it deem that the work does not meet the specified standards, both in terms of form and content, or it does not fit the theme of the publication. If the article passes this first check, it will be sent to two reviewers.
  • The reviewers will have a period of one month to write a report on the suitability of the article in relation to a series of aspects (originality of the contribution, objectives and methodology, scientific interest of the findings, and formal and stylistic matters) and on whether it is publishable (publishable without modifications, with slight modifications, with substantial modifications, or unpublishable).
  • In view of these reports, the journal’s Steering Committee will come to a decision regarding the article. If the two reports received differ significantly, a third report may be requested.
  • If the article is considered publishable, the journal’s Steering Committee will send the reports to the author and ask them to make the appropriate modifications within a period of between two weeks and one month, depending on the extent of the modifications required or suggested by the reviewers.
  • If the article is considered unpublishable, the author will also be informed of this decision and will be sent the review reports.
  • The journal’s Steering Committee will check that the modifications made by the author are in accordance with the reviewers’ instructions or recommendations.
  • Acceptance of an article by the journal entails the author’s obligation to provide a translation of the published article within a maximum period of one year, in accordance with the guidelines set out in the language policy section.
  • Each published article will indicate the dates of receipt and approval of that article.


Language policy

The languages of the MeTI journal (Métodos en Traducción e Interpretación / Methods in Translation and Interpreting) are the languages of the Iberian Peninsula (Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese and Spanish) and English. Articles originally published in one of the languages of the Iberian Peninsula must be translated into English within a year after the final version of the article has been accepted and submitted. Authors undertake to provide the journal with the corresponding translation. The article’s abstract must be written in the language of the article and in another language. This other language should be English if the language of the article is one of the languages of the Iberian Peninsula. If, on the other hand, the article was written in English, the abstract should also be provided in either Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese or Spanish.

The language policy described above is in keeping with the journal’s desire to align itself with the following principles:

  • The promotion of linguistic plurality in scientific production in the field of Translation and Interpreting Studies through the use of the languages of the Iberian Peninsula. This aspect is intrinsic to the geographical and cultural scope of AIETI (Iberian Association for Translation and Interpreting Studies), which is the birthplace of the journal;
  • The dissemination of the journal’s contents in the international sphere, which is only fully guaranteed by ensuring it is published (in the first or second instance) in English.



The publication of an article in the MeTI journal does not imply that the author relinquishes or transfers the intellectual property of the article in any way. Therefore, the author retains the right to reproduce the article in whole or in part by any means deemed appropriate, provided that the source of the original publication is acknowledged.


Open access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its contents, at no cost to the user or their institution and with no registration requirements, as soon as it is published on this website. This is in keeping with the principle that making research freely available to the public facilitates the global exchange of knowledge.

Publication in this journal is free of article processing charges and imposes no costs on authors.